Thursday 27 June 2013

Bye Bye Google Reader!

Google Reader will be closing this weekend. I am not sure if this means the GFC (the blogger follow list) will also be lost, so here are some other ways to reach me...

Blog Lovin': Follow me here

Twitter: I always tweet my new posts. Follow me here

Facebook: I also use this page to upload my posts, Follow here

I have saved my own list of blogs I follow to Bloglovin', I would suggest everyone do this before Monday so you don't loose your favourite blogs, link on how to do this here. I never really use this interface but I guess I will be come Monday!

See you on the other side!




  1. wow I didn't realize this is really happening. What the heck, seems a little unfair if you ask me. Welp, I guess we'll see what happens

  2. I don't use bloglovin' at all either, I visit blogs via my blogroll, hoping all the feeds wont' vanish!
